Did you know?
- The apprenticeship levy was implemented on 6th April 2017, to support the Government’s commitment to improving productivity by increasing the quantity and quality of apprenticeships and their commitment of 3 million apprentices by 2020
- All UK employers in the public and private sector with a pay bill of £3 million have to pay 0.5% on their annual pay bill into their levy fund
- From April 2019, the Government implemented two changes to the apprenticeship levy:
- They increased the amount Levy payers can transfer of the unused levy fund to non-levy paying companies from 10% to 25%, which can be used to pay for training and assessment of new starters
- They decreased the contribution non-levy payers have to pay for apprenticeships standards from 10% to 5%
- The Government will waive the co-investment requirement if you employ less than 50 employees and the apprentice is 16-18 years old or an eligible 19-24 year old (formerly in care or have an education and health care plan)
- If you recruit a 16-18 year old apprentice you will also receive a £1,000 incentive payment. Paid in two halves at 3 and 12 months
- Apprenticeship are open to everyone, whether you are a school leaver, improving your current skill set or looking to retrain and start a new career
Sue Potter set up SPotter Talent as a consultancy with a vision to create learning cultures within business, and a mission to motivate, inspire and empower people to do things they never thought were possible.
With over 10 years’ experience in leading apprenticeship programmes, Sue is a strong advocate for apprenticeships, and wants to spread the word to non-levy payers that they can tap into the levy funding.
If you would like to find out how Sue can help your business, get in contact with her via email: info@spottertalent.com, telephone 07486 073844 or via her website www.spottertalent.com