After Discovery: How to report, look after and research your finds

Have you found artefacts on the beach or underwater and wondered what the best thing to do with them is?

On this course you will get a comprehensive understanding of stabilising waterlogged finds and will gain an insight into what at home treatment techniques are within your skill set and when a professional conservator is required. You'll also learn about the legal and heritage management aspects of being an archaeological finds’ custodian. Hear from the experts about how to report and share your discovery including getting experience of reporting finds to the appropriate authorities which contributes to the collective knowledge of maritime heritage.

Participants are encouraged to work on a find that they have legally and ethically obtained from the marine environment to use for the practical sessions.

The course is suitable for all those undertaking the NAS Education Programme and who wish to learn more about looking after finds from a marine environment once they have been legally recovered from the beach or underwater.

NAS members will earn 5 credits for attending

A computer or tablet (phone screens are a bit small to look at for the whole day) with a good internet connection is essential. A built-in or external webcam and microphone are optional. A week before the course you will receive an invitation to the online course session which will be run through GoToMeeting. This is an online video conferencing programme that can be run directly through the internet or you get better connection if you download the small programme - it only takes a minute to do.

If you are concerned about your computer set up, please contact the organiser at for a test run before the course.

NAS members £30
Non-NAS members £60 (although as NAS membership starts at £12, you're better off becoming a member and getting the discount rate immediately!)

Angela Middleton is an Archaeological Conservator for Historic England who specialises in terrestrial and maritime conservation techniques.

Alex Bliss is a project officer with MSDS Marine specialising primarily in artefact analysis, numismatics and public outreach. He is also a former Finds Liaison Officer with the Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS).

The guest speaker will be Camilla Moore, Receiver of Wreck, who will provide guidance on how to easily report finds and contribute information to the historic environment record.

TIMETABLE in British Summer Time

09:00 Logon, housekeeping, course outline, other information

09:15 Module 1: What are your legal and ethical responsibilities for finds reporting? Advice from the experts

10:00 Practical 1: Sharing is caring: Tips for reporting (activity: fill in a form for RoW and PAS)

Practical 2: The good, the bad and the ugly: Tips for recording/ photographing your finds

10:30 BREAK

11:00 Module 2: Material types and how they survive in the marine environment

11:45 Module 3: Stabilising and first-aid techniques for different material types

12:45 LUNCH

13:15 Module 4: Using judgement and looking after your finds

14:30 Module 5: When to call in the experts (presentation)

15:00 BREAK

15:15 Module 6: Resources to research your discoveries

16:00 Practical 2: Have a go and look up information on your discoveries and report back in a 1min lightning talk

16:30 Wrap up of course, how to get involved with NAS

17:00 END of course

Book Now

Event Date:
Start at 9:00 AM
November 7, 2020

Have you found artefacts on the beach or underwater and wondered what the best thing to do with them is?

On this course you will get a comprehensive understanding of stabilising waterlogged finds and will gain an insight into what at home treatment techniques are within your skill set and when a professional conservator is required. You’ll also learn about the legal and heritage management aspects of being an archaeological finds’ custodian. Hear from the experts about how to report and share your discovery including getting experience of reporting finds to the appropriate authorities which contributes to the collective knowledge of maritime heritage.

Participants are encouraged to work on a find that they have legally and ethically obtained from the marine environment to use for the practical sessions.

The course is suitable for all those undertaking the NAS Education Programme and who wish to learn more about looking after finds from a marine environment once they have been legally recovered from the beach or underwater.

NAS members will earn 5 credits for attending

A computer or tablet (phone screens are a bit small to look at for the whole day) with a good internet connection is essential. A built-in or external webcam and microphone are optional. A week before the course you will receive an invitation to the online course session which will be run through GoToMeeting. This is an online video conferencing programme that can be run directly through the internet or you get better connection if you download the small programme – it only takes a minute to do.

If you are concerned about your computer set up, please contact the organiser at for a test run before the course.

NAS members £30
Non-NAS members £60 (although as NAS membership starts at £12, you’re better off becoming a member and getting the discount rate immediately!)

Angela Middleton is an Archaeological Conservator for Historic England who specialises in terrestrial and maritime conservation techniques.

Alex Bliss is a project officer with MSDS Marine specialising primarily in artefact analysis, numismatics and public outreach. He is also a former Finds Liaison Officer with the Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS).

The guest speaker will be Camilla Moore, Receiver of Wreck, who will provide guidance on how to easily report finds and contribute information to the historic environment record.

TIMETABLE in British Summer Time

09:00 Logon, housekeeping, course outline, other information

09:15 Module 1: What are your legal and ethical responsibilities for finds reporting? Advice from the experts

10:00 Practical 1: Sharing is caring: Tips for reporting (activity: fill in a form for RoW and PAS)

Practical 2: The good, the bad and the ugly: Tips for recording/ photographing your finds

10:30 BREAK

11:00 Module 2: Material types and how they survive in the marine environment

11:45 Module 3: Stabilising and first-aid techniques for different material types

12:45 LUNCH

13:15 Module 4: Using judgement and looking after your finds

14:30 Module 5: When to call in the experts (presentation)

15:00 BREAK

15:15 Module 6: Resources to research your discoveries

16:00 Practical 2: Have a go and look up information on your discoveries and report back in a 1min lightning talk

16:30 Wrap up of course, how to get involved with NAS

17:00 END of course
