Technology Trends in the Marine Industry

Dr. Qing Yu, Director of Engineering, ABS

Dr. Biju George CEng CMarEng FIMarEST, Honorary Secretary, IMarEST South East England & London Home Counties

About the presentation:

As the next wave of innovation unfolds in a new digital landscape across industry sectors and processes, it is crucial to enable the marine industry to tackle challenges as it transitions into digitalized operations on a sustainable trajectory to achieve net-zero carbon emissions. This entails adopting technologies from other industries to lay the foundation for the marine industry to embrace a new level of technology. These advanced technologies can fit into three key areas that reflect broader industry trends: digitalization, clean energy transition, and applied research. This presentation provides an overview of technology trends in the marine industry and highlights several technologies poised to revolutionize the marine industry.

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Event Date:
Start at 5:30 PM
July 2, 2024