Learn about the different source types available from the Lloyd's Register Heritage and Education Centre how they can be used to research historic ships and shipwrecks today.
This course reviews the different source types available from the Lloyd's Register through their Heritage and Education Centre, including the “Shipwreck Index of the British Isles”. The course will look at each of the sources available, how they were created, their original purpose, and how they can be used by archaeologists or historians today.
Specific focus will be given to understanding how these sources can be appropriately used in the archaeological investigation of a historic ship or a shipwreck site. This will include a discussion of their limitations and the appropriate use of a concurrent methodology utilising multiple source types (including archaeological material). The intention is to encourage participants to think critically about the use of sources and what the aim of the investigation of a ship or shipwreck might be.
This will be achieved by a formal review of the different sources followed by a desk-based session using the sources on a real-world example. Participants will be encouraged to access resources using their own computers/tablets to investigate a site.
Anyone interested in researching historic ships and shipwrecks who wants to learn how to use this amazing new online resource properly.
NAS members will earn 5 credits for attending
Members cost £60
Non-members cost £90
Provisional Timetable
9.00 Meet in Fort Cumberland Meeting Room
9:15 Introduction/Housekeeping
9:30 Introduction to Sources to be used and the Lloyd's Register Heritage and Education Centre
(Go get a cup of tea/coffee)
10:00 What is “The Lloyds’ Register” and how to read it
11:00 What are “Lloyds’ Register Surveys” and how to read them
12:00 “The Shipwreck Index of The British Isles” and how to read it
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Integrating Sources – How to combine and critically analyse source types with a set example in groups
15:30 Review set example )
16:00 Other Sources available: Local archives, shipbuilding treatises, crew logs etc.
16:30 End of day discussion, feedback and certificates
17:00 Course end
Learn about the different source types available from the Lloyd’s Register Heritage and Education Centre how they can be used to research historic ships and shipwrecks today.
This course reviews the different source types available from the Lloyd’s Register through their Heritage and Education Centre, including the “Shipwreck Index of the British Isles”. The course will look at each of the sources available, how they were created, their original purpose, and how they can be used by archaeologists or historians today.
Specific focus will be given to understanding how these sources can be appropriately used in the archaeological investigation of a historic ship or a shipwreck site. This will include a discussion of their limitations and the appropriate use of a concurrent methodology utilising multiple source types (including archaeological material). The intention is to encourage participants to think critically about the use of sources and what the aim of the investigation of a ship or shipwreck might be.
This will be achieved by a formal review of the different sources followed by a desk-based session using the sources on a real-world example. Participants will be encouraged to access resources using their own computers/tablets to investigate a site.
Anyone interested in researching historic ships and shipwrecks who wants to learn how to use this amazing new online resource properly.
NAS members will earn 5 credits for attending
Members cost £60
Non-members cost £90
Provisional Timetable
9.00 Meet in Fort Cumberland Meeting Room
9:15 Introduction/Housekeeping
9:30 Introduction to Sources to be used and the Lloyd’s Register Heritage and Education Centre
(Go get a cup of tea/coffee)
10:00 What is “The Lloyds’ Register” and how to read it
11:00 What are “Lloyds’ Register Surveys” and how to read them
12:00 “The Shipwreck Index of The British Isles” and how to read it
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Integrating Sources – How to combine and critically analyse source types with a set example in groups
15:30 Review set example )
16:00 Other Sources available: Local archives, shipbuilding treatises, crew logs etc.
16:30 End of day discussion, feedback and certificates
17:00 Course end