Contractor wanted for £90M Port of Immingham infrastructure design and build job

Associated British Ports (ABP) is on the hunt for a contractor to design and construct roll-on/roll-off (RORO) terminal and marine infrastructure at the Port of Immingham in the Humber Estuary.

ABP has developed the concept design under its newly establish professional services framework and is going to market under a negotiated procedure to bring the design and build contractor onboard early.

The £90M contract will be awarded to a lead consortium who will work under a two-stage contracting method. The first stage will see the further development of the design in a collaboration between ABP and the contractor, while the second stage will see the completion of the remaining design and construction works.
The work will include design and construction of:

-Up to three new outer harbour berths to serve RORO and ROPAX vessels
-Associated marine infrastructure including finger pier, pontoon, link-span and jetty approach structures
-Landside development including freight and passenger vehicle parking and highways infrastructure over a minimum of 18.5ha
-A new passenger terminal building, including an engineering workshop and all associated incidental works

The contract duration is 26 months.

The deadline for expressions of interest is 15 August and invitations to tender are expected to be sent around 21 September.

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Over £74m generated for UK Maritime Businesses – As £9.6m barge contract announced

The National Maritime SME Maritime Working Group’s objective is to help drive trade and growth for us all and give a bigger voice for UK maritime SMEs.

One of the groups key priorities is the measurement of the amount and value of business being generated via National Maritime enterprise and supply chain development activities.

Harland & Wolff announcement that it has been awarded a second contract worth approximately £9.6 m by Cory for the fabrication of twelve barges, means that in June and July of this year alone, National Maritime has directly supported and help secure the generation over £74m worth of business for UK maritime industries. 

Firstly a huge congratulations to our team and thank you to our SME Maritime Working Group Champions.

Secondly, Congratulations to John Wood and Harland & Wolff for the 2nd win.

Finally thank you also, Fran Comerford-ColeCory for instructing us to help you identify UK suitable build partners.

National Maritime is the UK’s largest maritime network. Our objective is to drive trade and growth for all.

We work with the sector to help identify ways to help meet their business needs. We help with consulting on new products or service challenges and fostering business growth and development. We help with setting up contract research projects or collaborating on joint ventures. We provide supply chain expertise and support to operating companies relating to the design, tendering of work packages, the selection of equipment and the assessment and appointment of contractors for shoreside and seagoing projects.

Please contact us for more information.

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£26 m deal to establish new Freeport in Wales

UK government and UK Government Wales/Llywodraeth DU Cymru have reach a £26 million deal to establish new Freeport in Wales

An agreement has been reached between the UK and Welsh governments to collaborate and deliver a new Freeport in Wales.

Backed by millions in UK government funding, the Freeport will support the regeneration of communities in Wales by attracting new businesses, jobs and investment, as well as growing the Welsh economy.

Bidders must show how they will create high-quality employment opportunities offering good salaries and conditions and meet the governments’ shared climate change commitments to reach net zero by 2050.

In another landmark step in cooperation, officials from UK and Welsh governments will jointly assess the bids in a fair and transparent selection process to ensure that the best possible sites come forward and that it delivers the maximum benefits to communities across Wales.

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£49m deep water port contract awarded

Stornoway Port Authority has awarded the £49 m contract for the construction of its new multi-purpose Deep Water Terminal to building and civil engineering firm McLaughlin & Harvey Ltd.

Work on the transformational project at the Outer Hebrides’ main port is expected to start in the coming weeks and be completed before the end of next year.

The Deep Water Terminal will provide modern facilities for a variety of sectors, including the energy and transport industries, and its design will enable it to be adapted for a wide range of future uses. As well as being able to accommodate on and offshore wind farm vessels and support other energy sector activity, its main berth will be suitable for the largest cruise liners, which will help boost the islands’ important tourism industry.

Development of the terminal will also increase the capabilities and flexibility of the Arnish fabrication yard at Stornoway.

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Hunter program delivers major engineering milestone

The Hunter Class Frigate Program has successfully held a major engineering review, which defines how the Australian Combat System integrates into the Global Combat Ship reference ship design.

The year-long System Definition Review (SDR), involving work by BAE Systems’ engineering teams in Australia and the UK, has established a new baseline design for the Hunter class frigate and builds on the sovereign complex warship design capability at South Australia’s Osborne Naval Shipyard.
The SDR is the second major evaluation of the ship’s design and demonstrates how it accommodates the range of capabilities required by the Australian Government , including the Aegis and Australian Interface Combat Management Systems, the CEAFAR2 phased array radar and integration of the Seahawk Romeo Maritime Combat Helicopter. These changes introduce significant leading edge combat system capability, ready to meet the Royal Australian Navy’s needs.
Only recently, BAE Systems transferred more than two million digital artefacts from the UK to Australia. The first prototyping unit has also recently been completed at the Osborne shipyard, underscoring the strong progress on the Hunter program.

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