National Maritime unveils exciting plans for Maritime and Sustainable Technology hub in key port town of Newhaven, Sussex

Blue Space at the Marine Workshops is the redevelopment of a stunning heritage site into a Maritime and Sustainable Technology hub in Newhaven and is set to reinvigorate the area’s industry and bring huge opportunities for jobs, training, and investment into the area.

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Blue Prime Members Privilege Card

What could be better than getting money off, member discounts, freebies, V.I.P access and free coffee? Having a smart little card to show…of course.

Freshly minted Members Privilege cards are yours for the asking as long as you are a registered member of Blue Prime; and why wouldn’t you be? National Maritime have the largest SME Maritime Network in the UK, and to be a member of Blue Prime, means you can access all the free benefits you get with it.

So, if you’re a Maritime SME get registered, and if you are one of the many that already are, get in touch, we will send you the card and you can start using it. It can be used to access our member discounts and offers and you can use it when you come into our Maritime Hub in Dartford to book a meeting pod with free parking, free Wi-Fi and a free coffee included. Soon we will be ‘actually meeting’ and organising physical events again which includes bringing back our popular networking breakfasts and even more popular ‘Pitch & Pitcher’ evenings.

To register for Blue Prime membership and qualify for the members privilege card, go to:

Blue Prime – National Maritime (

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