A&P Group Limited Tyne has promised to fight a proposed housing development next to its factory in Hebburn, after claiming the plans could put hundreds of jobs at risk.
A&P said that the jobs of the 200 locals it employs could be jeopardised by the housing plans.
The company has taken issue with plans for the Kelly’s Yard development which, if approved, would see 448 houses built at the former Hawthorn Leslie Shipyard.
Kelly’s Yard – named after the HMS Kelly, Lord Louis Mountbatten’s K-Class Destroyer in WWII – would also include a café, restaurant, bike repair shop and a museum honouring the site’s history.
But A&P Tyne argues that developing the land into housing would severely restrict its business operations and hamper future expansion plans.
David Mc Ginley, group chief executive officer, said: “As one the region’s largest employers, A&P Tyne delivers significant economic benefits to the North East economy. However, our ability to drive economic value to the region is dependent on our ability to deliver our projects.